Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Witty and Comical.

I sooo want to be one of those cool bloggers who takes their laptop everywhere and blogs about lots of cool things.

News FLASH!!!!!

My laptop is 47 years old and runs at the speed of a turtle so I could start a post today and in about two weeks you can read it!!!

My wit comes naturally but infrequently. And is often much funnier to me. Cause obviously, I think i'm fricken hilarious. (you should too!)

I work too much and am poor so therefor I would be blogging from home about what kind of oodles of noodles i'll eat before work.

Although, right now I'm sitting outside watching my little cousins while waiting for the ice cream man and thats interesting. Right? Ok. Maybe not. But a girl can dream.

While my life these days has been less than desirable, I'm working on that.

Thins have gotten in the way. Such as my boyfriend of four months bringing home a pit bull puppy. And noone in my family knows about it so I have to remember not to mention it ans avoid them coming to my house.

Speaking of my boyfriend. I'm really starting to doubt our relationship. I think his baby momma still thinks they are together. No thanks to him I'm sure. He's sooo inssecure about her being happy with anyone but him that everytime she gets too far away from him he reeeeeels her back in, talking about how they will always be there for each other and so forth. Me putting this down on "cyber paper" kind of gets it out of my head for a minute. Don't know if I love him but I like him. He treats me well enough. I kind of tend to push people awayyyyy but I haven't so far we'll see. Enough on him.

So Mister Softee has been the highlight of my night as well as meatless spaghetti sauce. Wooooo!!! I love finding things meat free...I realllly wish I could find a decent meat free burger. Not veggie though....

Wednesday, November 26, 2008


Ok, so for real, all I want to do is go to the new Barnes and Noble at Neshaminy and walk around. And read. And smell the new paper. And maybe have some tea. And read some more. For at least an hour. Oooohhhh books. I'm a big dork. A big book dork. I could really sit in there forever and just read. And be happy as a fly in shit.

I think I'll buy some books soon!!!

P.S. Excited about becoming an auntie. Dorky about that too. I'll be the one crying when my niece is born. Like a baby.

So Long Ago.

Since I was here. It's been so crazy. Idk where the time has gone. But I'm back.

I put my notice in at Prince yesterday and it felt good. Like a huge weight off my shoulders. I am going to stay at UNO's until I hear from some other places and maybe try Toscana part time. We'll see. Idk.

Don't have too much to say. Other than I'll be starting two new blogs today. A money one. To track my spending and a food diary which seems echh but it helps sooo much.

Monday, October 20, 2008

a whole lifetime...

...is how long it feels like the last week and a half has taken. It's been twelve (more now cause it took me two days to post this) days since my last post and alot has happened. So reasonably, this post may (or may not) be all over the place. To make things easier on myself i'm going to sit here and look at the calendar as I do this.

-Two weeks ago tomorrow, tuesday the seventh. I talked to Erik on the phone. I kept telling him since the wife was coming home he was gonna forget all about me. He told me that WAS NOT going to happen. Haven't talked to him since. So here I am sitting here thinking one of my best friends has completely written me off and i'm getting angry... So I call him and I text him, no response still. I'm kinda upset now. So I call his cousin, he's talked to him. So then yesterday I get on MySpace and from the way things look, his brother died and I feel like an ASS!!! for being mad at him. I still haven't talked to him. I'm kinda worried but I guess he'll call when he feels like talking. P.S. I freakin miss him! ALOT!

-Same day, two weeks ago. I decide to do things for me. I'm tired of being unhappy with the way I look so my diet started. I'm doing incredibly well. I estimate i've lost an average of 8-9 lbs. I have no desire to cheat or quit!!

-The weekend of October 10th. I worked from 1030am til 130 am friday. But got to wear my Phillies T-Shirt so it was ok. (Speaking of the Phils- we're in the World Series!!!! WOO HOO!!!!!!) Then I got a late night phone call (those are becoming more and more common) but I just went home and went to bed. Saturday am, up at 630 (ouch, sleepy much) and off to the BVM flea-market. I did ok. Nicole did great and our cupcakes were a hit. Then I went to work and closed once again ( I think Myles has it out for my life cause it was his idea for me to close). Then Prince on Sunday morning and I literally got done my invoice in 2 and a half hours. Someone asked me to work for them at UNO's so I closed again. Oh yeahhh then I closed Monday and Tuesday. Ughhhh. Craziness.

-So we get mid-week to wednesday and I went to dinner with Joey and Bre! I found out that Auntie's baby is a GIRL!!!! So excited. Plus they asked me to be the baby's Godmother. I think I almost cried....

-Thursday I talked to my bitty for the first time in two weeks. We were supposed to chill this weekend. HahHAhahA, jokes.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

life chages.

Ok, so i've decided. It's officially time to grow up. I've been doing alot of thinking. And I have really started to put my life into perspective. Make wiser (not so much wise, but wiser than the previous) decisions. So a few things on my To-Do List of growing up:

  • Pay all my bills on time. (This most obviously seems like a no-brainer but it involve things like rationalizing and budgeting and controlling my spending=not so easy)
  • Get a kick ass winter wardrobe. I'm tired of looking tired. A few key pieces so I actually look professional occasionally.
  • Cook at least once a week. Ideally more than that since I love to cook but with the two jobs it's kind of hard. This also includes putting real food in the house not takeout leftovers and UNO's.
  • Turn my house into a home. Like with furnishings and such. Not just shit all over still in boxes. So I can enjoy spending time there. Cause, you know, I do live there!
  • Stop wasting my time on men who aren't worth my time.
  • Try to live healthily. Like a healthy diet and, you know, the gym every once in awhile. And getting sleep at night.
  • Giving my social life a weekly budget. Once it's spent, that's it. I mean, surely when I know I will have a busier week I may allow a little extra for that budget. And on the talk of budgets, I would like to have one for lunch. So I don't spend soo much on eating.
  • To go with my kick ass new wardrobe, vow to wear heels 3 days week to work. I think i'm just going to stick with the whole "professional" look.
  • Go Green. Welllllll slightly green. All this talk of global warming makes me nervous!
  • Speak My Mind! Respectfully!

This is just the beginning. I have more but i'm busy and can't think.

That's all for now,

The now attempting to be grown up kristi.

Sunday, October 5, 2008


"so you have no ambitions then, i suppose?"

the question my possibly well meaning grandfather has for me. dinner last night with him and his diamond fingered, vacation taking, new car buying wife. "what," i ask "do you mean by that?" i mean idealisticly i do HAVE ambitions. i would like to be everything. a doctor-lawyer-chef-make-up artist-housewife-good mother-photographer...etc. the list goes on and on and on...but i've most recently found out that life isn't free...

we make it through dinner with few incidents. the step-grandmother as he so lovingly refers to her as, makes comments under her breath and tells me how my brother should already be mechanically inclined enough to know how to drive. i don't need your two cents. save it for your next piece of jewelry or perhaps your next african safari. i occasionally wonder if her complete lack of respect for my grandfather's offspring has to do with her sons. the bad ones. not her perfect daughters or their perfect children. the one's she warns my aunt about. if you don't be careful they'll end up just like T. and S.

after dinner they want to see my apartment so i take them there. a quick guided tour, a few nice words, a hug, a kiss, a quick slip of a bill into my jacket pocket (because he's not allowed to just give his grandchildren money, per the wife) and he's on his way.

**i don't mean to be rude, or sound disrespectful but when i hold no respect for a person its hard not to. i still feel undermined and manipulated. and nevermind the things i heard said from the horses mouth. we're never more than a pothole you get stuck in on the way to somewhere important. so i won't look at you as anything different in my eyes either.

Saturday, September 27, 2008


blog times two. if i thought things would end up this way, id have quit long ago. for real, can I get a minute where the stress does not pour on me like hurricane katrina on louisiana. so last night the whole vernon situation blew up in my face. i knew that by telling nic that it happened things would never be the same but i didnt want it to happen this way. im pretty sure he wants me dead. he says he doesnt but if the situation was flipped what would i think? i would think not good things....i dont know what to think so ill come back to this later.

not that anyone gives two shits about my opinions but i have some relationship ones. ive been in two long term ones and ive been thinking about maybe looking for someone again on the relationship front. but come on here girls, have some god damned individuality. if you have to ask for permission every time you step to the left thats not a relationship its a dictatorship. since when did society decide that its the man who gets to decide EVERYTHING. whats for dinner, what to watch on TV, what to do, what not to do, this or that, where to go, what to wear, blue toothbrush or green toothbrush, do you want another drink?????? why is it that a woman has to ask her man "can i" rather than let him know "i am". ladies, are we truly that afraid of losing our man because he didnt want us to have a margarita with the girls after work? because he wanted you to come straight home and do his wash, make his dinner, give him sex and go to bed? if he cant accept that you are a person not property than maybe, just maybe he doesnt deserve you. but what happens whe he has a night with the boys? is it the same? why not? but i dont blame the men. i blame the women. for letting them. keep your individuality, leave a little mystery, intrigue, dont give him everything. because then he doesnt have anything to gain and when he gets bored, theres a million other women out there that arent giving him everything...